Marchigiana cattle breed: origins and history

Marchigiana cattle breed is the most young and common breed of cattle in Italy. It has a recent history considering the fact that the first heads of cattle the"big horn cattle" have been introduced by the Longobards in the 6 th century.
All the Italian varieties particularly the Chianina and the Romagnola , once used as working cattle, derived from this original strain.
Since mid 1800 farmers of Marche Region made crossbreeds among their native cows and bulls of Chianina breed to have both meat producing and working cattle, and then in the early 1900s they made crossbreeds with Romagnola breed specimens to reduce cattle's stature and to improve its general conformation.

According to specific rules, crossbreeds were suspended in1932 to make an internal selection , this is the official birth date of the Marchigiana cattle breed.
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