Certifications and traceability
Since 1998 the quality of the Marchigiana cattle breed has been PGI certified "White bullock of the Central Apennines". PGI mark (Protected Geographic Identification) is the only protected designation of origin attributed to Italian fresh bovine meat. It rewards the best whitecoat breeds: Chianina, Marchigiana and Romagnola breeds, by attesting the importance of their geographical farming area of origin.

Inspectors strictly control the supply chain, the origin and the safety of the production, ensuring that every stage of farming and processing of meat takes place in the central Apennines area in compliance with specifications.
The traceability of this meat is also guaranteed by the consortium "Bovin Marche". It is a consortium of breeders of the Marche Region which has introduced, since 1990, an innovative system of labelling of meat which provides by the receipt, not only commercial information but also details concerning the history of the product.
The receipt certifies the hole supply chain with a connection to the territory without any possibility of intervention by the retailer