Products: Spreadable Salami of the Montefeltro

It is one of our new products.

This tasty sausage is spread on pieces of toasted bread. It is similar to “ciascuolo” a typical product of the Ascoli Area that we have reviewed and approached with the flavors of the Montefeltro Area.
It is made of a mixture of parts of pork meats, minced several times, seasoned and spiced with the addition of orange peel and marsala wine.

Spreadable Salami of the Montefeltro
Bottega della Carne "Celli" di Cedrini Donatella - P.IVA 00829890417 - C.F. CDRDTL57C64H949H - SDI: M5UXCR1
Via IV Novembre, 11 - 47863 Novafeltria (Rimini)
Phone: +39 0541 920267 - E-mail: - PEC: