Products: KCotechino

Cotechino and Zampone(lower leg) are typical winter products

Cotechino is a cured meat produced since old times, once it was a "poor" sausage  in fact it was usually  arranged  with vegetables soup and legumes soup.

Fine grained pork rind is minced separately, then  the medium grained lean muscle is  added  together with the other ingredients: "sweet" Cervia salt,  sterilised Tellicherry pepper,a pinch   of chilli pepper  and cinnamon, peppercorns.

All the ingredients are mixed with the addition of Sangiovese wine without any chimical additive which might facilitate the production at the expence of the final taste.

Bottega della Carne "Celli" di Cedrini Donatella - P.IVA 00829890417 - C.F. CDRDTL57C64H949H - SDI: M5UXCR1
Via IV Novembre, 11 - 47863 Novafeltria (Rimini)
Phone: +39 0541 920267 - E-mail: - PEC: