Products: Cup head

Coppa di testa is a cooked sausage typical of the Central Italy.

It is prepared by boiling in a large pot for about 3 hours the remaining parts of the pig slaughter and processing such as muscles, the nose, the rind, tongue and other minor parts. When the cooking is complete salt, pepper, chilli, lemon peel and cinnamon are added.
It is encased in a large natural pork gut (bondiana) when it's still warm.
It may be eaten in not too thin slices.

Cup head
Bottega della Carne "Celli" di Cedrini Donatella - P.IVA 00829890417 - C.F. CDRDTL57C64H949H - SDI: M5UXCR1
Via IV Novembre, 11 - 47863 Novafeltria (Rimini)
Phone: +39 0541 920267 - E-mail: - PEC: