
About us: Le cucine di Romagna

It is the last bulky and interesting book written by my friend gastronome Graziano Pozzetto, dealing with cuisine and products of Romagna, where from page 200 to 208 he portrays by his words our history and our products, therefore we really thank him for taking us into consideration.

The book's title sounds to me a little  strange,  it's like putting on a new suite over the one I am already wearing: we do live in the same place ,  a  territory which has now become romagnolo, but that ground its   roots in the Marche Region. Anyway,  today, our identity is signed by the beautiful territory of the Montefeltro.

Pozzetto is the author of extraordinary books , he is a researcher of  gastronomic culture of the territory, a lover and a scholar of  the products of the tradition.
He lives in a former “carabinieri”barracks in a small town in Romagna, where the old cells have been turned into  cold stores.
How does he live? What does he do in the barracks?
He reads, studies,  investigates  and above all he writes.
What does he investigate and write about?
About food and land products, those sold at tonnes but  produced  at hundreds of kilos...

Le cucine di Romagna
Bottega della Carne "Celli" di Cedrini Donatella - P.IVA 00829890417 - C.F. CDRDTL57C64H949H - SDI: M5UXCR1
Via IV Novembre, 11 - 47863 Novafeltria (Rimini)
Phone: +39 0541 920267 - E-mail: labottegadellacarne@libero.it - PEC: bottegadellacarne@id-postacert.it